Thursday, June 15, 2017

WNYX the Board Game UPDATED!!!

     For all those out there that enjoyed late 90s TV sitcoms and hilarious actors like Phil Hartman, Dave Foley, Steven Root and the like... it's been different over the years. Things have changed...just a bit.

     There is a Newsradio board game out there, along with the radio shows, cartoons, and random memes that one can come across. The board game was recently updated and currently sells on ETSY and AMAZON. Here are some pics!

 (Pictured above is the full setup: tiny radios, 8 different player tokens, Memo cards, Complaint Box cards, Trivia cards, Character cards, & of course the board itself) 

(Above you can see closeups of all the card decks used in the game)

(Above are pictures of each of the characters used during Mr. James?)

     If you have followed this game at all you will have noticed some improvements in card and player token construction. Also, in regards to "Jimmy", he and "Bill's cane" play a part in the Advanced Play set of instructions where each player draws a random "Jimmy card" at the start of their turn providing them with a "Happy Jimmy", "Sad Jimmy", "Neutral Jimmy", or "Bill's Cane". Each of these provide something specific for that turn.

     Well, that's all I have so far, other than you can buy specific "bundles" of the game from the ChooChoo8MitMit ETSY site...gotta love options.

3D Sticker on Your Car?!

   We have started making 3D splats . Forget the bumper sticker, that's gonna be trouble to clean off the fender once you sell your ca...